Your Excellency the Vice-President of The Gambia Mr. Mohammed BS Jallow;
Honourable Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and of Gambians Abroad;
Honourable Cabinet Ministers and Permanent Secretaries;
Distinguished Members of Government,
Excellencies of the Diplomatic Corps representing Members States of the United Nations
Esteemed Representatives of Civil Society, of Academia, of the Media and of the Private Sector
Dear colleagues of the United Nations
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Good evening
It is my profound honor to stand before you today as we commemorate the 79th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. Today, we celebrate not only an institution but a shared vision of peace, justice, equality, and sustainable development that has guided humanity through both moments of great triumph and times of immense challenge.
The Legacy of the United Nations
Seventy-nine years ago, in the aftermath of one of the darkest chapters in human history, the United Nations was established with a mission to unite nations, build bridges, and forge peace. Over these decades, the UN has served as a global platform for dialogue and collaboration, tackling issues ranging from poverty eradication and human rights to health crises and climate action.
Here in The Gambia, this vision is a reality, a fact as it is reflected in our great partnership with the people and government of this remarkable nation. Together, we are making strides to transform challenges into opportunities, to uplift communities, and to create a future that leaves no one behind.
The Gambia’s Remarkable Progress
Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, The Gambia stands as a testament to resilience and progress. Over recent years, the country has navigated a transformative path of democratic consolidation and development. The strides made in democracy and transitional justice have been commendable, ensuring accountability and fostering reconciliation.
Similarly, the commitment to security sector reform and governance is creating a more inclusive and accountable system, rooted in the principles of democracy and the rule of law. Citizen participation in national development has become a hallmark of Gambian society, strengthening the ties between government and the people it serves.
The empowerment of women and girls remains central to these efforts. Although they face many challenges on several fronts, women in The Gambia are not just beneficiaries of development—they are drivers of change. Their leadership in governance, entrepreneurship, democracy, governance, citizen participation, rule of law, and climate resilience efforts inspires us all.
The Gambia has also taken commendable steps in addressing climate change, recognizing the existential threat it poses to nations like this one. The recent contribution of The Gambia in the COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan have been noted and highly appreciated. Through sustainable practices, renewable energy projects, with support of international community, and community-based conservation initiatives, The Gambia is demonstrating that even small nations can lead by example.
The UN’s Support in Advancing Sustainable Development
Excellencies, the United Nations is proud to stand beside The Gambia on this journey. Through our various agencies, funds, and programs, we are deeply committed to supporting the implementation of The Gambia’s National Development Plan.
Together, we are making tangible progress in key areas:
- Eradicating Poverty and Strengthening Livelihoods: UNDP and other agencies are advancing inclusive economic growth and supporting job creation initiatives, particularly for young people.
- Improving Health and Education: UNICEF, WHO, and UNFPA are working tirelessly to ensure access to quality healthcare and education, particularly for vulnerable populations including key populations,
- Promoting Gender Equality: UN Women is empowering women through initiatives that foster leadership, economic opportunities, and protection from gender-based violence.
- Advancing Climate Resilience: UNEP and FAO are supporting community-based climate adaptation projects and sustainable agricultural practices to address food security and environmental degradation.
- Advancing The Development of Women & Girls: I want to proudly highlight the transformative work of our specialized agencies in advancing human dignity and development. UNFPA has been at the forefront of championing women's and girls' rights, implementing comprehensive strategies to protect them from gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practices. Through targeted interventions, community engagement, and robust support systems, UNFPA has been instrumental in creating safe spaces, providing critical support services, and empowering women and girls to realize their full potential, challenging deeply entrenched social norms and promoting gender equality.
- Human Rights: Equally critical has been the work of OHCHR in advancing human rights, ensuring that fundamental freedoms and dignity are not just principles but lived realities for all citizens. Their rigorous monitoring, reporting, and advocacy have been pivotal in strengthening human rights frameworks and holding institutions accountable. UNAIDS has also made remarkable strides in addressing HIV/AIDS, providing comprehensive care, reducing stigma, and promoting inclusive health strategies that protect the most vulnerable populations.
- Sustainable Economic Development: In parallel, ITC and UNCDF have been catalysts for economic transformation, particularly for youth and women. Their innovative programs have focused on building entrepreneurship skills, providing access to financial resources, and creating pathways for economic empowerment. By investing in livelihood training, supporting small businesses, and developing targeted economic initiatives, these agencies are not just creating jobs but are fundamentally reshaping the economic landscape, enabling young people and women to become drivers of local economic growth and sustainable development.
These efforts are not merely technical—they reflect a shared commitment to the aspirations of the Gambian people.
Call to Action: Building a Brighter Future Together
Ladies and gentlemen, the challenges of our time demand collective action and unwavering resolve. As we mark this 79th anniversary of the UN’s founding, let us draw inspiration from the progress we have achieved together. Let us also recognize that much remains to be done.
The Gambia is at a critical juncture. The steps taken today to deepen democracy, strengthen governance, and foster sustainable development will shape the future for generations to come. The UN family is committed to walking this path with you, ensuring that no one is left behind.
As the UN Secretary-General António Guterres reminds us, our world is interconnected, and the solutions to our challenges lie in partnership, solidarity, and mutual respect.
Dear colleagues, since 1945, the United Nations has been the place for countries to unite behind global solutions to global problems.
Solutions that ease tensions, build bridges and forge peace.
Solutions to eradicate poverty, spur sustainable development, and stand up for the most vulnerable.
Solutions that deliver lifesaving relief to people living through conflicts, violence, economic hardship, and climate disasters.
Solutions that level the scales of justice and equality for women and girls.
Solutions that tackle issues that were unimaginable in 1945 — climate change, digital technology, artificial intelligence, and outer space.
In September 2024, the General Assembly adopted the Pact for the Future, the Global Digital Compact and the Declaration on Future Generations.
Together, these milestone agreements will help ensure that the United Nations system adapts, reforms and rejuvenates, so it is fit for the changes and challenges around us and delivers solutions for all.
But our work will always be rooted in the timeless values and principles of the UN Charter and international law, and in the dignity and human rights of every person.
In today’s troubled world, hope is not enough.
Hope requires determined action and multilateral solutions for peace, shared prosperity and a thriving planet.
Hope requires all countries working as one.
Hope requires the United Nations.
Closing Remarks
En cette année marquant les 79 ans des Nations Unies, réaffirmons notre engagement commun envers ses idéaux. Ensemble, continuons de construire un avenir fondé sur la paix, la dignité et le développement durable. Notre organisation mondiale reste un phare d'espoir, un lieu de dialogue et de coopération où les nations peuvent résoudre leurs différends par le langage de la diplomatie plutôt que celui de la confrontation.
As we celebrate the progress of Gambia, let us redouble our efforts to ensure the full realization of its potential. This country is a remarkable example of democratic resilience and social transformation. Its journey reminds us that every nation, regardless of its size, can significantly contribute to global efforts for peace and development
In the face of contemporary challenges - climate change, economic inequalities, regional conflicts - our collective responsibility is more important than ever. We must be the architects of a more just, inclusive, and sustainable world. Not just for ourselves, but for future generations who will inherit our planet and our institutions.
And with our diverse team of dedicated professionals hailing from 32 different countries, the United Nations in The Gambia embodies the true spirit of global collaboration. Our team represents a rich tapestry of nationalities spanning four continents – from the shores of West Africa with colleagues from Gambia, Senegal, Cabo Verde, and Nigeria, to the diverse representations from North Africa including Algeria, Tunisia, and Egypt, and extending to nations across Europe, Asia, and the Americas.
Our team members bring unique perspectives from countries as varied as Myanmar and Indonesia in Southeast Asia, Nepal and Bangladesh in South Asia, and Pakistan; from the African continent with representatives from Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroun, DR Congo, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia, Sierra Leone, and Ivory Coast; from European nations including Switzerland, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and Liechtenstein; and from North American countries like Canada and the United States. We are further enriched by colleagues from the Caribbean with representation from Haiti, and from East Asia with team members from Japan.
This extraordinary diversity is not just a statistic, but our greatest strength – enabling us to approach challenges with multifaceted insights, deep cultural understanding, and a truly global perspective.
Que notre engagement soit notre promesse, notre unité notre force, et notre vision commune notre plus grand atout pour construire un avenir de prospérité partagée et de compréhension mutuelle.
Let our commitment be our promise, our unity our strength, and our shared vision our greatest asset in building a future of shared prosperity and mutual understanding.
Thank you, and may the spirit of unity and collaboration guide us in all that we do.
Happy UN Day to all of you.
Speech by