CCA Report 2021

The Gambia is on track to achieve only 2 of the 17 SDGs unless the government and development partners address eight key areas to meet all seventeen of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and ensure that every citizen has a good life. These areas include (1) investing in SDG data to set priorities and track progress, (2)making it cheaper for people living outside of the country to send money to their families, (3) providing more women with access to reproductive health services and investing in education and healthcare, (4) continuing democratic reforms to give citizens a voice in the country's development and hold public officials accountable, (5) creating an environment conducive for private sector growth by investing in reliable electricity and increasing access to credit, (6) investing in climate change resilience and sustainable food systems, (7) prioritizing leaving no one behind and improving living conditions for the most disadvantaged citizens, and (8) protecting children and empowering women.
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