Conflict and Development Analysis The Gambia Updated - June 2019

The Conflict and Development Analysis (CDA) updated report was a collaborative effort between The Government of The Gambia represented by the Office of President and Ministry of Interior, Civil Society represented by the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP), with support from the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention and UNOWAS. Technical advice and accompaniment were provided by the UN Peace and Development Advisory Team in The Gambia, and a National Consultant and an International Consultant from the Interpeace’s International Peacebuilding Advisory Team (IPAT). The Partners are especially grateful to the Research Teams in all the Regions of The Gambia for the important data-collection role they played - engaging communities and facilitating Key Informant Interviews and Focus Group Discussions that informed this report.