Conflict and Development Analysis The Gambia - June 2018

The CDA research and analysis process was carried out under the auspices of a Project Management Team, led by the Government of The Gambia through the Ministry of the Interior, together with the West Africa
Network for Peacebuilding -The Gambia (WANEP). Support was provided by the United Nations through the Joint UNDP-DPA Programme for Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention. The methodology of the Project Management Team was informed by the UN Development Group’s Conflict and Development Analysis (CDA) tool.2. As an agency-neutral approach to analysis, the CDA-inspired methodology served multiple purposes, satisfying three main objectives along the way, including: Nationally reaching fieldwork Research & Systems Analysis; a Current Response Assessment, and; the Identification of Key Recommendations. Together, these components were brought together to more accurately guide and inform Gambian peacebuilding and development strategies, design and programming.